How To Help Our Community Learn During this Pandemic

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, almost everything has gone virtual. Most meetings are virtual, some sporting events are virtual and school has become virtual. Since most schools are online or have a hybrid way of learning it has been unbelievably hard for children to learn and retain the material. Whether it is not having a computer, a stable internet connection or just to find the motivation struggling to attend your classes, virtual learning is hard. Not having as much of a personal connection and access to teachers makes it hard to build up the courage to ask questions in front of everyone on camera or set up a personal meeting with your teacher. On top of this, there are some parents that can no longer help their children with homework because it’s too advanced. Because of this many are worried students will fall behind and not retain the valuable information that further grades build off of. But you can help change this by volunteering at your local school or learning center. Whether its tutoring or advocating for students who are too afraid to speak up you can make a difference. The pandemic has affected all of us but what shouldn’t affect the academic future of these children. They should be able to have the same opportunities as everyone else prior to the pandemic. One hour of your time a week or even a month could make a huge in a child’s life. You could contribute to them achieving their life goals or their dream jobs in the future.


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