Is There A Possibility That the 1984 Utopia Could Have Been a Reality?

After further reading 1984, I have decided there actually is a slight chance that this could have happened to our world. I would say during medieval times this way of living could have been implemented. I believe this simply because of the famous monarchy in medieval times and how influential they were. For instance, Bloody Mary, was one of the most influential people simply because she killed people for not believing in her specific religion. It was definitely her way or the highway, which is similar to the way they are living in 1984. Also, I don’t believe human rights were set in stone during this time so that could have definitely left an opening for a “1984 World” to have began. Now, it would be impossible since everyone knows their rights and when their rights are being abused. But I can only speak for me so what do you all think?


  1. I think that there have been many dictators throughout history that have capitalized on people's suffering and innate differences, but at the same time, I think that technology plays an increasingly important part in the society of 1984, so in some ways, the only time period that I think could truly pull off the regime that the party has put in place is our modern one.

  2. I think it's still too easy to trick people into forfeiting their rights by dangling the right carrot in front of them, unfortunately. Rights are an evolving concept, perhaps.


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